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All Bruton Athletics Schedules 

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Spectators will enter by walking down sidewalk and entering through security (detectors/secondary screen/bag search)

  1. Fans are not permitted on the track or game field.
  2. Fans are not able to re-enter unless they purchase a ticket.
  3. Livestream of the event will be available on the NFHS network starting at 7:00pm.
  4. Gates open at 6:00 pm.
  5. Admission is $7.00. Individuals with acceptable passes should enter through the pass gate.

GoFan link:


YCSD Clear Bag Policy


  • Allowed 1 clear tote bag no larger than 12” x 6” x 12” or a 1 gallon resealable clear plastic storage bag
  • Allowed 1 small clutch purse no larger than 5” x 7” for privacy
clear bag policy

Exceptions will be made for credentialed media and those with necessary medical items after proper inspection at designated areas.

Items such as banners, blankets, seat cushions and wagons are also subject to inspection.

Prohibited bags include:

Other prohibited items:

  • Purses, Bags, Backpacks, Cinch bags, mesh bags or containers larger than a small clutch
  • Briefcases, computer bags, or luggage
  • Binocular cases and camera bags
  • Diaper bags and fanny packs
  • Grocery bags, trash bags or tinted plastic bags
  • All tobacco products: e-cigarettes, vapes, juuls, smokeless tobacco, cigars, cigarettes
  • Weapons, drugs or alcohol
  • Coolers
  • Outside food and drink
  • Laser pointers, flags/flag poles
  • Non-service animals


*******Please note: There is no check-in location for prohibited bags*******