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Team Expectations



Bruton High Basketball



Be on Time:

-Being on time is imperative. You must be on time for all practices and games. To be on time you must be dressed and in the designated area (gymnasium) for practice. Simply arriving in the gymnasium at the set time will be considered tardy. Be in the gymnasium at least 10 minutes early and be ready to begin at the set start time. Times on the master schedule are START TIMES.

Be Prepared:

-All team members must be dressed and properly outfitted for practice. Being prepared also means that if you need to see the trainer, you need to do so prior to beginning practice except in the case of an emergency or injury that has occurred during practice.

Respect Your Team:

-You must adopt a positive attitude, “what can I do to make this team better,” if you adopt this attitude then your actions will not let the team down. Positive actions include but are not limited to: being on time, supporting your teammates, hustling at all times, playing hard on every play, cheering for your teammates and following coaching instructions.

-Respecting you team also means doing whatever it takes to win by being unselfish. You can not think, “I” have to win the game; rather, you must think “We” have to win the game.

Respect Your Coaches:

-Every player must be willing to accept constructive criticism and follow instructions – explicitly. Each player also needs to understand that the coach will make all decisions regarding playing time.

-Always be truthful with the coaches and honest with yourself.

Responsibility to Study:

-Last, but certainly not least, is the responsibility to your school work. As a student-athlete, you have to be even more organized than the average student. You will be attending practices and games; which will absorb much of your time. It will be important to use your time wisely to be a successful student-athlete.