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School of the Arts

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The York County School of the Arts (SOA) provides high school students with a fine arts training opportunity in literary arts, theatre arts, technical theatre, dance arts, and music. Cross-curricular learning experiences encourage students to compose advanced writing, prepare performances, and create exhibitions that display their appreciation of the arts, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, increase resilience, and enhance self-esteem. In this rigorous program, students embrace a professional work ethic, discipline, and training for future careers in the arts and humanities, while enhancing leadership and collaborative skills applicable to all career paths. SOA engages students in numerous and diverse art forms and encourages them to become lifelong learners and patrons of the arts.  

For additional information, please contact:

York County School of the Arts
185 East Rochambeau Drive
Williamsburg, Virginia  23188
(757) 220-4095 • FAX (855) 512-6930

How do I apply?

Click on the "Audition Information" link on the left side bar of this webpage. There, you'll find detailed instructions, the dates for the application deadline, a link for the electronic application. and be able to access the Teacher Recommendation Form to be sent to your teachers. An individual application must be submitted for each student (grades 8-11) wishing to attend School of the Arts. Eligible students are accepted into SOA based on grades, teacher recommendations, a reading comprehension test, interview, and audition.

Who's eligible?

York County students in grades 9-12 who have an interest in the arts. Students must apply and audition to attend. Students from other school divisions may pay tuition to attend York County Schools. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and a minimum of a C in their SOA class in order to remain in the program.

How does transportation to/from SOA work?

York County students are bused to SOA each morning and afternoon on regular school days. Morning SOA students are transported back to their home schools in time to attend their second block classes. Afternoon SOA students are transported to SOA during their lunch block and then are bused back to their home school at 2:00. Afternoon students do not arrive back at their home schools in time to ride their regular bus home. Parents may pick-up their students at their home schools, or the SOA bus will transport students home after students are dropped off at York, Grafton, and Tabb. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from pick-up and drop-off sites and to/from SOA for any after school activities. 

Can I attend if I don't live in York County?

Students who live outside of York County must pay the York County School Division tuition to attend a York County high school in order to attend SOA. Tuition information can be found on the York County School Division website FAQs.
